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World Menopause Day

The menopause have gone through a bit of a rebrand in the recent years.....we have gone through no one talking about it, to just everyone (even Joe Wicks)! But opening up a discussion on a phase of life that women feel particularly uneducated about is definitely a good thing in my opinion. Whether it is something you feel comfortable with openly talking about or not, the amount of information coming through is supportive and can provide vital information to the people who need it.

The period of time we mostly are referring to when we discuss symptoms is the Perimenopause. This is a sequence of events which can occur between 2-12 years before your period stops. It is when the fluctuation of hormones is at its peak. Menopause however, specifically relates to a day exactly 12 months after the last period.

There are many symptoms both physical and mental that can effect a person during this time and it is thought that:

25% have mild symptoms

50% have moderate symptoms and

25% have severe symptoms

It has been evidenced addressing lifestyle factors are a good way to help with symptoms. It is a time when looking after your health can really pay dividends.

Exercise in particular can help with a myriad of symptoms, from reducing hot flushes to increasing cognitive brain function and boosting mood (Hormone Health Repair, pg 127, 2001). Strength training in particular as well as impact work can be good for muscle growth and bone density. . Moving therefore not only helps with symptoms, but can help with the quality of life experienced further down the line.

There are some great resources out there, organisations such as The Well HQ and Jennis are providing much needed research findings and information into exercise and how we need to best support females throughout their life stages, which is very much lacking and needed. There are also many great books to read, one of my favourites is The Hormone Health Repair Manual by Lara Briden.

Interested in discussing this further?! I am hosting not one, but two Menopause and MovEment workshops (29/10 and 26/11) In these workshops we will look at and discuss common symptoms and how exercise can benefit, the recommended types of movement for this stage in a women's life and how to implement it into your schedule and also the importance of sleep, rest, recovery and self care. The workshop will start with a good warm up and strength session, followed by q and a discussion and rounding off with a calming juicy stretch and breath work flow. There will be a yummy, nutritious grazing lunch provided which will give a much needed time to chat and chill! It runs from 10am-1pm and tickets are £35.



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