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Spring has sprung! Feel energised to move more but questioning if it is enough to make a difference?

Spring is often known as the season of new beginnings as this time of year is great for getting out about and moving more! Whether the new found motivation is because you feel more energised with the increase in vitamin D, the fall away of the winter cycle of bugs, the fact you can be more sociable with exercise (for example, meeting a friend for a walk), or you feel able to squeeze in a movement/class after work as its more appealing with the lighter nights and warmer weather. Are you still concerned that what you are doing isn't 'enough' to make a difference?

The thing about movement is we need it for our health, our wellbeing and to boost our mood! It is ingrained within our society that if exercise doesn’t feel extremely difficult or it’s not a certain length of time; then it doesn’t “count”. But it is good to remember that all movement counts; and the benefits reach wider than just the physical changes that exercising can make aesthetically. If you are trying to build strength/mobility or you want to get the heart pumping harder or for longer; it really doesn't matter what you do; no one exercise type is better than the others. The aim is to enjoy it, feel positive about it and unleash a new found confidence and the changes it brings about for you; empowering you to meet whatever fitness goals you have. And the best way to build consistency into continuing to exercise and move regularly to make a difference long term is to do something you enjoy; and the endorphins will build positive pathways in the brain which will leave you wanting to do more steadily and consistently which is far more beneficial long term than a short hard push.

So if you are questioning whether that 10 minute sunrise/sunset walk or couple of rounds of weight based exercise is really going to make the difference, the answer is yes! long term and mentally it will have an impact! And as the well known saying goes 'every little helps'.

Why not have a go at the Abdominal snack below? At only 15 minutes in length it is perfect for a short burst of activity at the beginning, middle or end of the day or to pair with a run or another form of exercise to create a more well rounded activity for whole body.

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