Happy October! The equinox has been and gone and now we are fully into Autumn! Adjusting to this and getting our health right for autumn can sometimes feel like just another addition to a long ‘to-do’ list.
With every end of season comes the ever moving cycle of nature. And with that comes the reduction in warmth and light which makes this a fabulous time for self-nurture. It’s perfect for exploring new ways to look after ourselves and boost our wellbeing with some autumnal self-care.
So, how does this relate to movement? There is an importance on focusing on movement styles we enjoy; there has always been a historical thought of ‘no pain no gain’ and exercise having to be gruelling, but we should consider what we like to do; especially in the winter months taking part in movement that uplifts us and boosts energy! This could be a walk with friends, a nourishing swim or cycle or a feel good MovES class!
It is also worth considering what provides balance in our day; adding cortisol raising exercise for someone who is already tired and stressed can lead to further exacerbation of these feelings.
Other things that are really important to focus on is our sleep, rest and building immunity through the food we eat to support us at this time when bugs and illness are rife!